Too many bots – I need your help

Too Many Bots!
Too Many Bots!

I need your help. This morning I sat down and jammed out a bunch of different bot silhoettes as the first step in designing the first bot that shows up in Petra’s Call.

The bot is going to be about 8 feet tall, expect it to kick a lot of ass and take very few names along the way.

There are things in each design that I like, so before fleshing out a design, I have decided to put it to a vote. Choose your favorite design (or two) and vote in the comments below.

It would be awesome if you could give me your favorite elements of the design too, so that if you like the big chunky fingers, I don’t change them in next step.

ex: “Dude – E is awesome. He’s got a big knife for an arm! Slice and dice baby!” (or, you know… something like that…)

Voting ends on Friday Sept 4th. Thanks in advance – much appreciated!

11 Replies to “Too many bots – I need your help”

  1. Some early morning voting from the office:
    – Smac’s a fan of M and his chunky hands and Mega-man styles
    – DG goes for K as a slaybot, J looks angry and that’s cool and thinks if G had an eye it could by a Cylon
    – Pigsington goes for J – because it scares him a little.

  2. Ooo Mecha design, one of my favorite things!

    Great Sketches Nev!

    Heres my too bits:
    I have always like the look of Reverse Joint Legs, so J & C are definitely on my like list. (Like the head on J)

    I love the big meaty arms on mech M

  3. Votes from the Facebook:
    Im all about H I think it sums up the giant 8 foot tall robot that kicks ass, but I like J’s crazy rocket launcher thing.

    James KargI meant I not H …. :S

    My Mom: A or G

    How about M’s arms on J, and giving it wider, more stable feet?

    I say F… but 12 feet tall instead of 8. it’s so monstrous that any human qualities you attribute to it will play out that much more dramatically…. Imagine that beast wiping a tear from a cheek 🙂

    also, I like the arm and leg thickness of M but with a smaller head and torso like K


    F, I like the smoke stacks on his back. Nothing says kick-ass like a robot with its own polluting internal combustion system that requires three smoke stacks!

    Dr. 4Est:
    I love J. The smoke stacks are a great touch. It looks like the kind of robot that would be very versatile, able to smash through a wall just as easily as jump over it.

    I like J – also M with the bulldozer hands.

    C or J.

    I like C because it looks balanced and J because I’m a sucker for anime-style beam cannons. 🙂

  4. Raff-E says:
    I like the chunky arms but any robot needs big feet for stability or maybe a 3rd leg so it can punch/shoot large guns without knocking itself over.
    In general I like J

  5. I have no question in my mind that “C” is winning my vote by a landslide. It has very fun shapes (the head especially), solid design and a nice silhouette.

    I think what I enjoy most about it is that it isnt too humanoid, it has a shape and look of its own that is going to be easliy distinguished from a distance, hopefully it will give the reader an “oh shit” moment when they see that eye glowing in the distance haha.

    Runner up for me would be “L” and “M”. They have juggernaught appeal – they are definatly more brutish and crush everything in their path where as i can see “C” being more of an incredibly fast – kill everything quickly and look good doing it type of robot.

    Anywho – cant wait to see some of these designs taken to the next step!


  6. C, J and M were the favs – with J and M basically neck and neck, but J wins by 2 votes.

    During the whole voting run, I slowly fell in love with M, so expect to be Chunky-bot make an appearance somewhere in the future.

    Thanks for your help everyone!

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