Teh Hotness – Corey Lewis’ Death of Pink One

Corey Lewis (aka Reyyy) busted out this sweet solo webcomic which really captures ‘The essence of Reyyy’

When Toho sued Pink G-dz-ll-, an incredibly cool games and geekery shop in Seattle, they changed their name to Pink Gorilla – I can’t think of a better way to announce the new name.

Death Pink One

I met Corey at Emerald City comic-con 4 or 5 years ago – and all I could think was “WOW! This guy LOVES making comics.” Full of energy and love for the medium and the craft.

The best part of Reyyy’s work is that the passion he has can be seen in his work. His art and stories have the same frenetic pace and style that Corey carries with him every day.

More Corey Lewis:
Corey’s Homepage (pure brilliance!)

Seedless Webcomic


Teh Hotness – Mochi Coins and Indy Content

Mochi CoinsMochi the popular providers of tracking tools and advertising for Flash Game developers recently introduced Mochi-Coins – a micro-transaction engine that developers can integrate into their Flash games (or comics???)

As any indy creator knows – every revenue option requires some work. Ads are easy, t-shirts are harder and getting set up to process and manage micro-transactions – well, before Mochi Coins, you needed a whole team for that.

Basically – Mochi Coins is to independent digital content developers (movies, music, comics, games, art) what eBay and Paypal were for Beanie Baby Collectors. This literally changes everything.

Have a song playing in the background of your movie? Let people download it for $.99. Want to see a making of video for a video game? Unlock it for $.99. People want an HD version of your webcomic? They can unlock if for $.99.

Tracking whose account has what, dealing with payments and multiple credit cards, etc – that’s all handled by Mochi.

The iPhone App Store just came to the Internet – and I’m surprised more people aren’t excited.

In a brilliant showing, as Mochi-Coins grows, the developers at Mochi are keeping their ear to the ground and are addressing concerns and questions as they come up from the development scene and have addressed these in a recent blog post.

Teh Hotness – World War Robot Armstrong

Big Toys are Awesome Toys
Big Toys are Awesome Toys

Ashley Wood is getting ready to unleash his latest World War Robot toy – the mighty Amstrong.

World War Robot is a part book/part toy/part soon to be iPhone game.

The books are a collection of paintings by Wood, illustrating the robot war between Earth and Mars.

The toys – which are giant (some close to 2 feet tall) pieces of awesomeness that fully justify the $200+ price tag. The style, details, articulation – gah. If you cut these things open with a knife, they would bleed awesome.

These bots sell out fast, so if you want that bad-boy Armstrong up there, you had better be at the Bambaland Store on Aug 18th.

More WWR from Amazon:
World War Robot Volume 1:

World War Robot Volume 2: