Teh Hotness: Make your own [adult swim] DVD

[adult swim] has done it again where you can make a custom DVD of your favorite [adult swim] shows for $20. Remember when an actual DVD filled with things you didn’t want to watch cost $20?

You get 110 minutes of whatever [adult swim] shows you want. Pick the shows, pick the episodes and go to town. You can mix and match Venture Bros. with Aqua Teen Hunger Force – it’s your call.

Once you’ve got your shows lined up, you can pick the design for the case, disc and insert. Three days later a DVD filled with [adult swim] love is in the mail, on it’s way to a loving home.

And while you are at the [adult swim] store, you can get more insane bad-assery from the one television block that is so awesome, it makes me want to buy a US satellite dish.

Teh Hotness – Can DIY replace the FPS?

This New York Times article asks the simple question – can DIY Supplant the First Person Shooter in the game industry?

It looks at the rise of the independent developer in the game industry, the video game as art and what the future may hold. It’s a terrific read that I highly recommend.

Teh Hotness – Yuen Wo-Ping’s True Legend

If you cut this movie with a knife, it would bleed awesome.

Drunken style, a crazy dude who flexes his dragon armor and his clothes explode off, Michelle Yeoh rock climbing (no, seriously) and the best ‘sweep the leg’ ever.

What’s not to love?

Courtesy (yet again) of my dear friends at Quiet Earth. One day I will meet these guys and we will drink beer and geek out hardcore.